Work-Life Balance
When we think about working to provide for our kids, we often don’t allow anything to interrupt that commitment. As single moms, we may feel like we have to do it all, but it’s important to recognize that balance is possible. We must care for ourselves to be there for our children. Here are some effective ways to find that balance while being present for our kids.
Timing is everything! Once work ends, we need to allow it to truly end. Especially if we are in management positions, we often bring work home, which can lead to increased stress. Juggling work responsibilities, cooking for the kids, managing homework, and handling bills can be overwhelming. To combat this, I set a cut-off time for myself so that work doesn’t interfere with my household duties.
To be transparent, when I was a teacher, I didn’t have a cut-off time. If my parents needed me outside of work to ask homework questions, I made myself available, although this didn’t happen often. Most parents work a 9-to-5 schedule, and taking drive time into account can help you determine your cut-off time. For example, if you get home at 6 PM, you should let your colleagues know that you are unavailable after that time. This encourages employees and management to address issues in your absence. It’s crucial to set your boundaries and stick to them!
It’s Ok to Say No
When my husband passed away, I wanted to give my kids everything they asked for to avoid any breakdowns. I still struggle with this sometimes, but over the years, I have learned that it is okay to say no! We often try to be superwomen and fill the void of the absent parent by giving our kids whatever they want. This means working two jobs, allowing them to go places even when we are tired—the list goes on.
Our children sometimes do not understand that we need a break because we always show them our strong side. I had to tell my children that I get tired sometimes and need some time to myself. They seem to understand. One day, I just left the house, went to a movie by myself, and grabbed something to eat. My daughter kept texting me; I responded to ease her worries, but that time alone was great.
We need to schedule some time to just do “nothing” and relax outside of our responsibilities as parents.
Self Care
I never truly understood the importance of self-care. I would often hear my teacher friends, and even my sister say, “I need to take some time for myself.” For a long time, my kids always came before anything I had going on. I’m not sure if it was because of my husband passing away or not, but I prioritized their needs and wants over my own. While there’s nothing wrong with that, I realize now that as our kids grow older, they may forget about us. This has left me playing catch-up in my own life, which is where I find myself now, laughing at the situation.
It’s essential to take time for ourselves. Schedule that “me time” now! It could be something as simple as taking a long, hot bath, cuddling in bed with a book, going out with friends, treating yourself to a meal, or even falling in love again. It’s important to plan these moments because if we don’t, we will keep putting them off. So, take a look at your calendar and set aside a day dedicated to self-care.
Personally, I enjoy taking extra time for my skincare routine each morning. This time allows me to connect with God and reflect on my blessings.
Live your Life
Finding a balance between work, kids, bills, and household duties can make it challenging to live your best life. Developing an effective schedule that allows you to manage everything will create a strong sense of balance. It’s not difficult, but it does require some strategic planning to ensure it happens. As single moms, we work hard and desire to live our best lives. Even if you schedule a night out with friends once a month or treat yourself to a little time away from the kids, it’s important to do so. We need to maintain a balanced lifestyle to be present for our children. Don’t feel guilty if you decide to hire a babysitter; your kids might actually enjoy a break from you, too! Go have fun and do something for yourself.